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Show ‘Em What You’re Really Made Of Girls ~By Donna Krech

Show ’em what you’re really made of girls!! Never, EVER let ‘them’ define you!! Never, EVER believe that you can’t be anything you want to be! Suzanne Somers had pretty much been stereo-typed by Hollywood as a dumb, ‘dizzy-blonde’ dingbat. She would go on to prove them SO wrong! She became obsessed with all things

The Cancer Is Not Where The Biggest Danger Is By Donna Krech

The Cancer Is Not Where the Biggest Danger Is…   The biggest danger is in how we react or respond to the cancer. How we think about it. What our mindset is. How we respond mentally, emotionally and spiritually…. that is the biggest danger. In spiritual terms, I would put it this way. The cancer


Do You Believe In Easter?

My Dear Friends, please accept this story as my “Happy Easter Gift” to you. Have a blessed upcoming Easter weekend. May it be filled with love, family, friends, peace that passes all understanding and joy that’s UNSPEAKABLE! The Tomb’s Still Empty! Donna Edith Easter (Yes, you will need Kleenex.) Edith Burns was a wonderful Christian

Creating Big Experiences ~ Donna Krech

Many times, we get so caught up in being busy, we forget to live life big. Today’s message is here to inspire you and show how you can create very big experiences for other people that become enormous experiences for you from the point of serving others. You really can’t out-give love and you can’t out-give experience

3 Ways To Practice Loving Unconditionally By Donna Krech

3 Ways To Practice Loving Unconditionally By Donna Krech Most people put conditions on their love. So, the love that’s unconditional should be SO VERY celebrated. I say, talk about all of it….and, become fully alive!! I realized something in the last few days that I have been coming to realize over the last several

Thankful For The Thorns

Some time ago I came across a story that deeply touched my heart. I related to the story so much that I decided to build a Thanksgiving tradition around it. Every year, I get a bouquet of thorny stems for each of my guests, then roll this story into a scroll and put a ribbon

The Best Things In Life Are Not Things

The Best Things In Life Are Not Things

There could be a lot of opinions about the best things in life. But, I think the 100% consensus would be that those things, are not things, at all. Some time ago, I wrote about the only 4 things you need in order to be happy. One of those things is someone to love. Another

When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When God taps you on the shoulder My prayer for us today… ‘Father, I praise for the way you tap us on the shoulder. I praise for the times when we are struggling and might even feel alone and then a song comes on the radio that very specifically gives us a message or brings

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