Joy Comes In The Morning

My prayer for us today…


“Father God, there are times in life when we each hurt, times when my friend reading this prayer and I come face to face with fear, fret, worry or doubt. There are moments we feel overwhelmed about finances, health, business or relationships. Times we feel uncertainty about what we’re here for, or what you’ve called us to do.

As I behold this spectacular sunrise you’ve planned for us today, I am reminded that your book of promises tells us sadness will occur, but it is temporary. Weeping, confusion or a lack of confidence may be a part of our life, but it lasts for only a speck in time. Your word tells us that joy always follows.

Remind each of us today… no matter what may be causing the uncertainty… that you are there and will always bring a glorious sunrise of purpose and solutions. Remind us that time is never lost, but every day, week, month and year of our life you are using to prepare us for the amazing experience that will bring it all together.

Yes, crying comes, but it lasts only for a night. Oh, how I give you praise for knowing that joy ALWAYS comes in the morning! Amen”

Donna Krech

Donna Krech

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