You’re With The People That Cross Your Path, For A Reason By Donna Krech

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

Be that person who sees someone’s soul and not the way they dress, the car they drive, the places they go or the level of stress you think they deal with.
Be careful not to judge.
You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.
I was blessed to share a stage with the amazing Jim Rohn, who shared a LOT of incredible insights.
One of them was this.
Be comfortable being wherever you are.
Because you’re there for a reason.
Be as comfortable sipping champagne at the country club as you are sitting at a bar having a beer
And, be as comfortable sitting at the bar as you are at the country club.
(Btw, this message has nothing to do with alcohol…. so, please read it a couple of times to let its meaning sink in.)

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

Some people like really nice things.
And, that’s ok.
Love them.
Because they need your hug, your friendship, your support and your prayers for something they’re going through.

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

Some people prefer simpler things.
And, that’s ok too.
Love them.
Because they need your hug, your friendship, your support and your prayers for something they’re going through.

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

Some folks say, “I don’t need all that fancy stuff. That’s not who I am.”
And, without realizing it, they judge and hurt people who were very specifically placed in their path, to love.
Some folks say, “I dream big dreams and set big goals so I can enjoy exquisite experiences.”
And, without realizing it, they judge and hurt people who were very specifically placed in their path, to love.

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

And yet, other folks are super comfortable in both places.
Because they somehow get it… that every encounter has a purpose.
The people you’re sitting with at the 5-star restaurant need you.
You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.
And, the people you’re sharing a meal with on a paper plate need you, too.

You’re with the people that cross your path, for a reason.

I get it.
Life is busy.
And it’s really easy to focus on our own path.
I’m simply suggesting that each of our paths don’t have just us and our world, on them.

Our paths will also have people on them who were placed there for a very specific purpose.
See, the thing is… we’re all the same.
We all have the need for hugs and love and kindness and prayer.
That person you think is so different from you?
They’re not.
They may, at this very moment, be experiencing the same, exact health scare that just about did you in.
They may, at this very moment, have had their world shattered due to the loss of a child, a parent or a sibling like you did, and they’re just trying to hold it together.
They may, at this very moment, be wondering why that friend left, or why a relationship ended and their heart is broken.
They may, at this very moment, be completely unsure if they can even get through the day, just like you’ve felt, due to a burden they’re shouldering.
You’re seeing the sameness.

So, the next time you’re with someone who maybe isn’t exactly like you, may I ask you to consider remembering these words….
You’re with the people that cross your path for a reason.
Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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