The Lose 12 lbs or More with the 12 Gifts of Wellness Challenge

The Lose 12lbs or More with the 12 Gifts of Wellness Challenge

Here’s the latest update:

It’s January!! You’re thinking about losing weight anyway!
Or you’re thinking about getting healthier anyway!
Or you’re thinking about simply increasing your wellness!
You may even be doing something already to attain these things!

During the challenge are giving away $1200 in cash and prizes for anyone interested in losing 12 lbs.! Yep, that’s the deal!

What’s the catch? No catch.

We’re running a contest.

Come join and learn 12 different ways to lose 12 lbs. or more.

We decided to make a contest out of it! Anybody who loses 12 lbs. wins prizes, but the top 3 people win $500, $200, $100!  

You don’t need to do any diet, unless you want to.
You don’t need to do any exercise plan, unless you want to.
You don’t need to eat any special foods, unless you want to.

No purchases required.  Just come and join the contest.
It’s a $25 entry fee and after that you’re good to go.

How do I win? You simply post in the community that you have redeemed the 12 different gifts we are giving you.

Lose 12 lbs. or more with the 12 Gifts of Wellness, each of which can provide you with a loss of 12 pounds or more!!!

Click here to enter the challenge.

It’s so simple!
You may decide that 1 of those ways is right for you. You may decide you want to avail yourself of several of those ways. Or you may decide that none of them are right for you, and you will have just gotten a TON of education that you’ll use someday.
But… even if you don’t avail yourself of any of the ways, you’re still eligible to win what we’re giving away…. which is up to $1200 in cash and prizes!!!!

Top 6 reasons to join the challenge. 

  1. You’d like to lose 12 pounds or more.
  2. You’d like to learn 12 different ways to do that.
  3. You’d love to win what we’re giving away.
  4. You love the idea of $1200 in cash and prizes.
  5. You know that being in a group and in a competition is something that fuels you.
  6. Nowhere else can you invest a mere $25 to learn 12 different ways to lose up to 12 pounds or more AND be eligible to win up to $1200 in cash and prizes!


Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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