Real Friendship. It’s So, So Good ~ By Donna Krech

Real Friendship. It’s So, So Good ~ By Donna Krech

Today I want to talk about friendship.

Real friendship. It’s so, so good.

In particular, today I want to talk about the friendships that come later in your years.

If you’re really blessed and fortunate in this life, a friendship will come along that you never saw coming.

A friendship that you will, perhaps, not even really see at first, because that person hasn’t been part of your life throughout your life.

But very quickly you will realize there’s something unique and wonderful there.

Without blinking an eye, you will begin to give your heart and dive in with full trust to this friendship, and you will totally sense that the other person is doing the same thing.

It is in these precious moments that you will realize God has dropped someone in your life that is going to be part of your life for the rest of your life!

And you will look toward heaven and give him all the praise!

True Friendship is a Gift

Because friendship… true friendship… is a gift beyond measure.
It is the greatest of treasure.
It is far beyond rubies and gold.
It is the things of which legends are told.

It is priceless and it is perfect, and it gives our soul meaning.

Yesterday, I was in a conversation with someone who started as a business relationship and has grown into this kind of friendship.

To say I am grateful doesn’t even come close to how I feel. To have a friendship where you feel safe inside that friendship is an indescribable gift.

To have a friendship where you can be real and share not only your fears, but your biggest dreams… this is something so special that you believe it was handcrafted in heaven, just for you.

When you find someone who you realize is truly connected to you, and you to them, soul to soul, you literally are overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

Friendship… this kind of friendship… is the kind that allows you to exhale.

It’s the kind that reminds you how good God is. It’s the kind that helps you build the rich and full life he intended for you.


Real friendship.

It’s so, so good.

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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