Donna Krech

Donna Krech

Latest Donna Krech Articles

The Great Holiday Beverage Debate: Hot Chocolate or Eggnog???

True confession…I’m a Halmark movie junkie.  I mean I watch them all.  Heck, I could write them…my husband says.  LOL.  And in the Christmas themed Hallmark movies you usually have a party scene, an outdoor holiday festival scene, an ice-skating rink scene and everyone going to get either hot chocolate (which seems like the most

Joy Comes in the Morning

Joy Comes In The Morning

My prayer for us today…   “Father God, there are times in life when we each hurt, times when my friend reading this prayer and I come face to face with fear, fret, worry or doubt. There are moments we feel overwhelmed about finances, health, business or relationships. Times we feel uncertainty about what we’re

The Best Things In Life Are Not Things

The Best Things In Life Are Not Things

There could be a lot of opinions about the best things in life. But, I think the 100% consensus would be that those things, are not things, at all. Some time ago, I wrote about the only 4 things you need in order to be happy. One of those things is someone to love. Another

God Has You Covered

God Has You Covered

My prayer for us today… “Father God, I praise you this morning for the times you tap my friend reading this prayer and I on the shoulder and remind us that you are there. I praise you that at those moments you are communicating to us, you have the situation under control and we need

A Simple Step To Overcome Regret

A Simple Step To Overcome Regret

My prayer for us today…   ‘Father God, we each move through life doing what we believe is right. Yet we make mistakes. We each work to the best of our ability to redeem the time we’re given with loved ones, to cultivate new relationships and to seize the opportunities that come our way. Yet

Walk by faith and not by sight... things are spectacular!

Walk by faith and not by sight… things are spectacular!

My prayer for us today… “Father God, in these wee hours of the morning I come to you with my own need and the need of my friend reading this prayer. I come to you to lift up our situations, circumstances, uncertainties, fears and doubts… be they physical, financial, relational, spiritual, mental or emotional. And

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but God’s words build our confidence!

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but God’s words build our confidence!

My prayer for us today…   ”Father, this morning I am EXCITED! I come to your throne partly feeling like a giddy little girl who’s just been told she’ll be princess and partly feeling like a mighty warrior who’s been guaranteed victory in the battle she’s called to fight. Both who’ve just learned a story

If God promised it, He’ll do it--period.

If God promised it, He’ll do it–period.

My prayer for us today…   ”Father, today marks the day you received my mom into heaven. I miss her Lord and I pray every day that I am showing the kind of love that she showed, being the kind of example she was and having the relationship with you that she had. As I

‘Thank you for marrying me.’

‘Thank you for marrying me.’

My prayer for us today…   ”Father, today is my anniversary. Today, I’m celebrating the man I adore, the incredible marriage I am part of and the whole concept of spending life with a best friend. For as long as I can remember my husband has randomly stopped what he was doing, interrupted what I

When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When God taps you on the shoulder My prayer for us today… ‘Father, I praise for the way you tap us on the shoulder. I praise for the times when we are struggling and might even feel alone and then a song comes on the radio that very specifically gives us a message or brings

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