A Healthy Conversation–Strengthen Your Heart Naturally

Listen in on this life changing story that could have a big impact on you or someone you love.

DONNA:                     Hey welcome to another Healthy Conversation.  Cheers!


JOHN:                         Cheers.


DONNA:                     So last week we talked about sometimes medicines don’t work. I also promised that this week we would talk about the four supplements that you absolutely need and why. Well as John and I were sitting here —


JOHN:                         You lied.


DONNA:                     I did, I lied. I didn’t mean to lie though. Does it count if you don’t mean to lie?


JOHN:                         No.


DONNA:                     Doesn’t count? Okay, good. We’re going to get in trouble from our Pastor for that right there. Anyway, we’ve decided as we were sitting here preparing for this video that we really do want to delve a little bit more into sometimes medicines don’t work and next week we’ll talk about the four supplements that you need and why. So, you’ve got a pretty powerful story. I mean yours is powerful because you used traditional medicine to beat the cancers, but you also used natural supplements as you were going through it. But you’ve got a most recent powerful story about a heart condition that you were telling me about, so let’s revisit.


JOHN:                         Probably about four or five months ago I had a customer come in that had congestive heart failure. She had been going to her cardiologist and he was not getting very far with her; she wasn’t improving at all. So she said, “Listen I’m going to do this anymore” and he said, “That’s okay, whatever you want to do.”


DONNA:                     She wasn’t having any results, what do you mean?


JOHN:                         Well congestive heart failure, one of the ways you look at congestive heart failure is the ejection fraction of the heart. All that means is your heart pumps out blood with ever beat.


DONNA:                     Out. Out from the heart.


JOHN:                         And you want that to be at least 50. 50% of the blood goes out of the heart that way you at least have a little bit of strength in the heart.


DONNA:                     But hers was?


JOHN:                         15. Very, very low


DONNA:                     Which means there was a sludge – Nothing was going through.


JOHN:                         Hardly anything was being pumped out, exactly. So that’s when they call it congestive heart failure. So anyway, she says, “I’m just going to try the natural route.”


DONNA:                     Because he had her on meds and the number wasn’t budging.


JOHN:                         They weren’t working.


DONNA:                     Okay.


JOHN:                         So, she started taking Hawthorn which we told her to do. Hawthorn is an herb that strengthens the heart. She was taking about 9 or 10 of them a day which is what you’re supposed to take. She was also taking this CoEnzyme Q10. Now CoEnzyme Q10 actually gives energy to the heart, the ATP production in the heart which is the energy molecule. And she was doing this for probably two or three months. She goes back to her heart doctor, and he does the whole test on her again and says, “Well” he said, “I know the medicine wasn’t working on you” he says, “And I don’t know enough about vitamins and herbs, so we’ll just say that God made your heart stronger.”


DONNA:                     Because?


JOHN:                         Because her ejection fraction went to 50.


DONNA:                     50?


JOHN:                         50. So he was kind of bowled over. And the doctor was a very honest guy, he didn’t know enough about herbs –


DONNA:                     Said, “I don’t know enough about herbs to say it was the herbs.”


JOHN:                         It was the herbs.


DONNA:                     So, he gave God credit, which we’re all about because we think –


JOHN:                         Absolutely.


DONNA:                     We absolutely believe that, and we believe that, well I certainly believe that the knowledge that you have and the passion you have for learning this stuff, is God’s gift to you and so therefore the supplements that you encouraged her to take absolutely were part of the miracle.


JOHN:                         And a big part of it too, as I tell all my customers, there’s no negative side effects when you take these types of things. I mean everything you take from a pharmaceutical standpoint does one or two good things and a lot of things four or five bad things.


DONNA:                     A list of bad things.


JOHN:                         Exactly.


DONNA:                     So, if medicines don’t work there is always a natural approach that can be tried and in conjunction with medicines, just like with your cancers, natural approaches can be applied. And the key is the power of why. The key is asking questions, doing research, coming into the store, visiting the site, sending us an email, giving us a phone call. Asking questions. Because I’m absolutely convinced we can help, and you know I like questions.


JOHN:                         So I’ve heard.


DONNA:                     Yeah, so you’ve heard. So next week we’re going to talk about more questions. We’re going to talk about how the power of why helps you with regard to understanding those four basic supplements that you believe everybody should be taking. And with taking them you feel pretty darn fantastic, pretty quickly actually. So next week tune in and you’ll find up the four supps you need to be taking and they’ll find out –


DONNA/JOHN:         Why.

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