When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When God taps you on the shoulder

My prayer for us today… ‘Father, I praise for the way you tap us on the shoulder. I praise for the times when we are struggling and might even feel alone and then a song comes on the radio that very specifically gives us a message or brings us hope. With this prayer I am reminding myself and my friend reading it today, that you use songs to speak to us…. along with thousands of other things.

I remember my Mom saying that, as a little girl living through the Depression, she and her mom were packing up to move out of the home they could no longer afford to live in. Her father had died suddenly and they had nothing. They were headed to live with family. As they packed whatever few belongings they could take along, the song God Will Take Care of You came on the radio. My grandmother looked at my mom and said, “That song is for us. That’s God talking to us. He’s telling us he’s going to take care of us.”

I believe that was you, tapping her on the shoulder, as if to say, “I am still here with you.”

Father, today my life moves VERY fast. I know my friend’s does too. I praise you for the moments when I know full and well you are tapping me on the shoulder, reminding me that you are here and covering me. I praise you for the songs, for the precious card I get in the mail, the money that comes unexpectedly, the verse I read in your word, the sermon I hear at church or the lesson I learn at a seminar. I praise you for the friend that just stops by to pray with me or a family member who calls me just to see that I’m ok.

Remind us today that not only are You with us, but that You tap us on the shoulder often to tell us so. Let us pay attention to all the times you tap us on the shoulder. And, let us remember to praise you for those taps. I love you. Amen.”

Donna Krech

Donna Krech

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