‘Thank you for marrying me.’

My prayer for us today…


”Father, today is my anniversary. Today, I’m celebrating the man I adore, the incredible marriage I am part of and the whole concept of spending life with a best friend. For as long as I can remember my husband has randomly stopped what he was doing, interrupted what I was doing and put a pause in what was going on in our day to say the words to me, “Thank you for marrying me.”

He’s done this with voice, hand-written notes…. even texts. He’s done it when things were perfect between us and he’s done it when we’ve had an argument. By being so grateful, he’s trained me to do it too. Lord, every time he does so, I fall in love with him all over again. I realize how blessed I am to have him, as he tells me how blessed he is to have me.

Today, my God, my friend reading this may need the gentle reminder that they are blessed to be with the spouse, significant other or friend that they are with, in their life. Too often we begin to take those we love for granted. We even begin to be irritated by the very things that drew us to someone.

When relationships are new, we see someone being outgoing as exciting and fun. Before we know it, we can see that same trait as embarrassing or pushy. When we’re new, the fact that someone is detail oriented causes us to so admire them. After some time, we label them too picky or anal. In the beginning we are attracted to carefree and eventually we can see them as irresponsible. We can choose to see the confidence that attracted us to be seen, after a few years, as arrogance.

Today, remind us that the thing that drew us to them is still there, even though we have chosen to see it differently. Remind is to be grateful for this person. Remind us that gratitude is contagious. Remind us to stop what we’re doing and say to them, “Thank you for marrying me,’ Or, ‘Thank you for being with me,’ or, ‘Thank you for being my friend.’ Amen.”

Donna Krech

Donna Krech

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