I Believe I Have Something To Say…About Walking Around Supernaturally in a Natural World.

I Believe I Have Something to Say About Walking Around Supernaturally in a Natural World.

This weekend, I was reminded of the story of Elijah.  Boy, did he go through some stuff. He was scared a lot. He even wanted to die at one point. He kept claiming god’s truth and, you know, Ahab and Jezebel and all these people that were worshiping Baal kept fighting against him, and he kept claiming God’s truth.

He kept walking around supernaturally. Now he went into hiding, and he went into chilling, and he went into resting because he had to just calm his psyche down.

But he had hope because he served the one true living God. The bottom line is when you’re walking around supernaturally in a natural world, you know God’s got something better planned. You know there’s always hope. So whatever you’re dealing with today, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, money issues, health issues, weight gain, whatever it might be, just know that when you trust God, when you give it to him and let him keep it, he’s gonna show up and he’s gonna show up mightily just like he brought fire down from heaven and consumed a sopping wet drenched altar of stone and wood and water.

He’s there. Go to second Kings and read about Elijah.

You’ll be blessed.

I was blessed. I was reminded I’m walking around supernaturally in a natural world. I can do this. So can you.

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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