Do You Ever Feel Like You Missed An Opportunity? ~ Donna Krech

Do you ever feel like you missed an opportunity?

Have you ever thought your time for success or happiness has passed?
Do you ever catch yourself thinking the window on your dream has closed?
This morning, I suggest we take a lesson from this little tugboat.

This little tugboat’s hull is covered in rust from bow to stern. It’s literally covered with rust-covered with rust.
Yet…. ready for this?

It still brings in 165-ton ships.

Let me say that, again.

A seemingly old, rusted-out, far-less-than-shiny, some might say obviously-past-its-prime tugboat has the awesome privilege, honor and responsibility of bringing in ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE TON ships!!

On a boat ride yesterday, I made a comment to our Captain about how that rusted up tugboat looked like it had seen better days.

That’s when he told me it was still very much in use.

That, in fact, it was used all the time,
Every. Single. Day.

And that without that tugboat, supplies wouldn’t get to the island because the freightliner ships that bring those supplies in, couldn’t get into the harbor.

I’m sure that tugboats helped many a vessel move through the waters over the years.

Yet, bringing in supplies could be its most important job, ever.


I get it…. tugboats can’t talk.

But, oh if this one could!

I’m betting it would say, “There is no such thing as a tug boat graveyard until the tug boat has no use at all left in it. And there isn’t one for you until then, either. Look around you! Your opportunity has not passed. Your time is not up! You didn’t miss it! There are even greater things ahead! Be careful not to judge a book ‘tugboat’ by its cover.”

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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