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Motivational Monday, 21-Day Super Fast Summer Slimdown

Summer’s right around the corner we’ve had some nice weather and that makes us think about uh oh how are we going to look in our swimsuit and shorts. Joining us today with some motivation for Motivational Monday, Donna Krech for the Super Fast Summer Slimdown. So, tell us more about  Super Fast Summer Slimdown

DK Weighs In On … How To Stop Beating Yourself Up

Welcome to, DK Weighs In! I’m Donna Krech (DK). And each week I’ll be sharing an invaluable truth on achieving goals faster, eliminating obstacles easier and living a happy, healthy & fully alive lifestyle! Tune into the video for 3 minutes and discover how to stop beating yourself up. No more, “I should have or

A Healthy Conversation–Avoid These 3 Foods

Top Three Foods That Increase Cortisol Levels   Hey there welcome to A Healthy Conversation where John and I talk about the stuff we talk about all the time, and that’s health. Whether it’s for one another or whether it’s for the people we serve, our family. And he used to be the one that

The Lose 12 lbs or More with the 12 Gifts of Wellness Challenge

The Lose 12lbs or More with the 12 Gifts of Wellness Challenge Here’s the latest update: It’s January!! You’re thinking about losing weight anyway! Or you’re thinking about getting healthier anyway! Or you’re thinking about simply increasing your wellness! You may even be doing something already to attain these things! During the challenge are giving

Somebody Needs To Hear This Right Now ~ Donna Krech

Sometimes you take a chance on someone, and all the indications are that it’s going to go in a direction you really thought it was going to go in… a really great direction. But it doesn’t end up going in that direction. I need to put this out there. It’s certain that it not going

Real Friendship. It’s So, So Good ~ By Donna Krech

Real Friendship. It’s So, So Good ~ By Donna Krech Today I want to talk about friendship. Real friendship. It’s so, so good. In particular, today I want to talk about the friendships that come later in your years. If you’re really blessed and fortunate in this life, a friendship will come along that you

The Great Holiday Beverage Debate: Hot Chocolate or Eggnog???

True confession…I’m a Halmark movie junkie.  I mean I watch them all.  Heck, I could write them…my husband says.  LOL.  And in the Christmas themed Hallmark movies you usually have a party scene, an outdoor holiday festival scene, an ice-skating rink scene and everyone going to get either hot chocolate (which seems like the most

Thankful For The Thorns

Some time ago I came across a story that deeply touched my heart. I related to the story so much that I decided to build a Thanksgiving tradition around it. Every year, I get a bouquet of thorny stems for each of my guests, then roll this story into a scroll and put a ribbon

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