A Healthy Conversation–Healthy Butter

Butter Is Not Bad

Hey there, welcome to A Healthy Conversation. We’re back with you at Krech Cottage, which means we’re at the lake. I don’t know why I feel I need to tell people we’re at the lake when there’s —


JOHN:                         The water’s in the back.


DONNA:                     This big body of water behind us. So last week we talked about eating your veggies, right? So today we’re going about eat you’re buttah. You’re buttah. Eat you’re buttah, right?


JOHN:                         Time Magazine; Eat Butter.


DONNA:                     Eat butter.


JOHN:                         How about that?


DONNA:                     So basically, what this means, what John just said when we were talking before we turned the recorder on, is that everything we’ve told kind of for the last twenty years, has been incorrect, because it was margarine and we’ll go over all that stuff in a second. But, then I said, “Yeah, but everything we were told growing up or forty years ago, was totally spot on.”


JOHN:                         Yeah, natural. Everything was natural. We went kind of off the beaten path because all of a sudden fat became very bad. Everybody started eating Snack Wells and they go fatter than fat and then they figured out that that’s not the answer, eating all these carbohydrates. So they started at looking the fats, especially natural fats, and they figured out —


DONNA:                     Like? Natural fats like?


JOHN:                         Butter, coconut oil, that type of thing.


DONNA:                     Okay.


JOHN:                         All of a sudden natural things – If it’s made by God, it can’t be too bad for you.


DONNA:                     That’s a pretty good rule of thumb, right? So, let’s just talk about how somebody might eat if they’re eating a carbohydrate laden way of eating.


JOHN:                         Well, once again, if you go back twenty or twenty-five years ago, we’re taught to eat lots of pasta and lots of grains and so forth and breads and all that. Well —


DONNA:                     White flour.


JOHN:                         White flour, white sugar.


DONNA:                     Potatoes.


JOHN:                         Exactly. And it’s – you know keep in mind, that you’re body has a hard time really processing all those carbohydrates. There’s only about five grams of sugar in your whole blood supply which is about five liters, that’s about a teaspoon full. So your body does a great job getting rid of sugar, but if you’re taking something in that has thirty-five grams of sugar, like we thing yogurt is really good for us, well it is, except if you’re eating all the —


DONNA:                     High sugar.


JOHN:                         High sugar. It’s thirty-five, forty grams all of a sudden.


DONNA:                     So let’s go clear back for a second, her name was Susan Powter, right? Remember she was an extreme —


JOHN:                         Exactly. Buzz haircut.


DONNA:                     And she was telling people to eat all this pasta and all this stuff —


JOHN:                         Forty-eight baked potatoes.


DONNA:                     Right. I think that was her shtick, right? Forty-eight baked potatoes.  Anyway that was extreme. So then a good balanced way of eating with lots of variety became a sensible way, especially if you wanted to lose weight. That’s what we did with the Thin and Healthy Plan. I mean pastas and potatoes —


JOHN:                         It’s still valid.


DONNA:                     Yeah, but not to excess.


JOHN:                         Exactly.


DONNA:                     But even today, you’re doing studies with a ketogenic way of eating which is butter, right?


JOHN:                         Exactly.


DONNA:                     For helping people beat or prevent cancer. And what we’re doing with the 20/30 Fast Track to Weight Loss and Health Plan, is more of a ketogenic way of eating and you’ll be the first to find out actually, that even our Thin and Healthy plan is taking a turn, our dietician is working on it, to create an even more ketogenic plan because we want people to learn to listen to their body. And when you’re putting in different foods at different paces on different days, in different portion sizes, you can learn how your body talks to you.

When you put in butter, or again, what might be considered high fat, but at least it’s not high carb.


JOHN:                         It’s not a man processed fat. I mean we took a saturated fat and we added hydrogen to it, its hydrogenated fat, trans fats which became very, very sticky, very, very inflammatory types of fats and that’s where we ran into all the problems with our health.


DONNA:                     I think sometimes people make it too hard. Like if the fat is sticky and gloppy, it’s going to be sticky and gloppy to the stuff that’s inside my body.


JOHN:                         Exactly.


DONNA:                     So listen, butter’s not bad. What you want to do is really eat the stuff that God made. We told you last week to eat your veggies. We’re now telling you to eat meats and fish and turkey and chicken and have a balance. And it’s not to say you can’t have a potato or some pasta, because we do.


JOHN:                         Sure, absolutely.


DONNA:                     But it’s just to eat those things —


JOHN:                         Nothing in excess.


DONNA:                     To excess. And I would tell you based on our 20/30 Fast Track Plan, what we have found is listen to your body. You know there are eight hormones in all the research that we’re doing, that will affect weight loss and absolutely will affect health. I mean body aches and headaches, and acne, and inflammation and pain and arthritic pain even. And digestive disorders, acid reflux, all have to do with eating the good stuff, which again, Time Magazine says is butter.


JOHN:                         It’s good for you.


DONNA:                     It’s butter. So I think it’s almost dinner time, I can smell somebody grilling outside, it’s making me really hungry.


JOHN:                         Meat.


DONNA:                     Yeah, I smell meat. So I think we’re going to go eat some meat. See you next time.

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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